
Telegram is only getting Stories next month

The influence of stories: Telegram embraces the trend effective immediately.

The rise of Stories in social media platforms has been undeniable since Snapchat pioneered the feature in 2013. Meta, encompassing Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, has fully embraced the concept, and even Google has experimented with it.

However, one platform that has resisted this trend until now is Telegram. Breaking news!

Telegram’s founder, Pavel Durov, announced that Stories will be introduced to the platform early next month.

Exciting, right?

But let’s delve into the details.

Durov emphasized that Telegram wouldn’t simply copy the feature from its competitors (take note, Meta). Instead, they decided to implement it “the Telegram way.” This approach offers users the ability to control who can view their stories with meticulous precision. You’ll have the option to choose between different privacy settings, such as allowing everyone, only specific contacts with exceptions, a select group of friends, or a custom list. The Stories feature will reside in an expandable section at the top of your chat list, and hiding stories from certain contacts will be effortless.

Telegram’s Stories will support captions and enable users to capture photos and videos simultaneously using the front and rear cameras. Stories will have an expiration period of your choosing, ranging from 6, 12, 24, or 48 hours.

Alternatively, you can set some stories to be permanently displayed on your profile, each with its individual privacy settings. Additionally, Telegram has plans to allow users to repost messages from channels directly to their Stories.

Following internal testing, even skeptics within the Telegram team started appreciating the Stories feature. It has become such an integral part of the platform that the team members can’t imagine Telegram without it. This indicates that Stories are here to stay once they are officially launched.

Telegram’s adoption of Stories reflects the growing influence of this feature in the realm of social media. With Telegram’s unique approach to privacy settings and its commitment to user control, the introduction of Stories will provide users with a fresh way to share their moments and engage with their contacts.

As Telegram joins the Stories bandwagon, it will be fascinating to see how users embrace this new feature and how it enhances their overall messaging experience. Stay tuned for the upcoming release of Stories on Telegram and get ready to share your stories in “the Telegram way.”


Alvin Fernandes

Alvin Fernandes is a skilled technical writer specializing in the realm of Android. With extensive experience in crafting comprehensive technical documentation, Alvin's blog posts provide invaluable perspectives on the ever-evolving trends within the Android landscape. Beyond his proficiency in writing, Alvin indulges in his passion for mobile gaming and enjoys experimenting with his OnePlus 10 device.

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